Mikka going to cinema (was Re: The Hulk)
(too old to reply)
2003-07-03 13:56:45 UTC
Baywatch scence is nothing lah.
[kommies added]
Mikka: "Is it? Is it?"
Charger: "You are still underage for the movie."
Mikka: "But...but...I...36 PROs..."
Lemur: "Oooo, the baywatch scene, BAYWATCH SCENE!! Run RUN!!"
Cinema guard : "Kamu belum cukup umur lapanbelas."
Mikka : *flips open album with collection of 36 Ang Pow envelopes*
Cinema guard : *bow* *bow* *kow tow* *kow tow* "You may enter, sir. And
have mercy on my poor soul."
2003-07-04 11:10:16 UTC
I've been busy doing home work and taking lot of rest, it's been too tierd
this few month....
Hail! The Lord of 36 PROs has finally spoken!
Post by Mikka
Baywatch scence is nothing lah.
[kommies added]
Mikka: "Is it? Is it?"
Charger: "You are still underage for the movie."
Mikka: "But...but...I...36 PROs..."
Lemur: "Oooo, the baywatch scene, BAYWATCH SCENE!! Run RUN!!"
Dr. Liew
2003-07-05 02:12:24 UTC
PRO #5: "Of course it's tired, you silly" *spank*
PRO #6: "Yeah, it's my turn tomorrow."
Mikka has to work so hard, non-stop every month, daily.
Mikka: "If only there are 40 days in a month, then I can take 4 days
rest out of each month." *sigh*
Wah! Must take 10 raw eggs everyday lor, like that.

PROs : "Haih, only 10 times a year. Not enough lah. Mikka, what about twice
a day?"

Mikka : *gulp gulp gulp*
