2003-07-03 13:56:45 UTC
Baywatch scence is nothing lah.
[kommies added]
Mikka : *flips open album with collection of 36 Ang Pow envelopes*
Cinema guard : *bow* *bow* *kow tow* *kow tow* "You may enter, sir. And
have mercy on my poor soul."
Mikka: "Is it? Is it?"
Charger: "You are still underage for the movie."
Mikka: "But...but...I...36 PROs..."
Lemur: "Oooo, the baywatch scene, BAYWATCH SCENE!! Run RUN!!"
Cinema guard : "Kamu belum cukup umur lapanbelas."Charger: "You are still underage for the movie."
Mikka: "But...but...I...36 PROs..."
Lemur: "Oooo, the baywatch scene, BAYWATCH SCENE!! Run RUN!!"
Mikka : *flips open album with collection of 36 Ang Pow envelopes*
Cinema guard : *bow* *bow* *kow tow* *kow tow* "You may enter, sir. And
have mercy on my poor soul."