Ir. Hj. Othman was;
1. Fond of posting his 'findings' that he thinks would benefit humankind.
2. Would get pissed if people made fun of his 'findings'.
3. Not humorous. Was very serious.
4. He would post, and post, and if no one responded to his post, he would
respond to it himself.
Sound familiar?
Being someone who hardly venture out of kommies, I would admit that I'm
rather unfamiliar with this IR entity besides his infamous hotel safe story.
But the description reminds me of a certain opera performer wannabes who
builds temporary stages in order to cater opera performance for paranormal
Sometimes, those paranormal entities may not like what they see and decided
to take over the show by taking over the body of the performers.
At times, the paranormal entities may refuse to leave the body and ended up
the show kept going on and on and on until Dewan Bandaraya came with
Then the people called for some other religious people to expel the
paranormal entities concerned.
Following which they will offer the performers a ladder in order for them to
And of course the performers would have no idea of what has been going on.
I'm not an expert but that's what I heard.
Woohoo! Lari lari lari wearing Casio BP-120.